Հոլիվուդում շատ ֆեմինիստներ կան , որոնք պայքարում են ուշադրություն գրավելու համար: Ստորև ներկայացնում ենք հոլիվուդյան հայտնի ֆեմինիստների լուսանկարները:

Happy International Women's Day! Here Are The Celebrity Feminists!


Keira Knightley is a very active feminist, and she's the face of an Amnesty campaign to raise interest in the group "Women's Aid".


The world got to know Ellen Page when she played a pregnant teenager in movie Juno, which also led to her discussing abortion. “I am a feminist and I am totally pro-choice, but what’s funny is when you say that people assume that you are pro-abortion. I don’t love abortion but I want women to be able to choose and I don’t want white dudes in an office being able to make laws on things like this.", she said back then.


Natalie Portman is well known for working hard with charities, raising money to small businesses in developing countries, and especially for women.


Lady Gaga has said several times that she's "a little bit of a feminist", and that she's always trying to combine her pop music career with feminism.


Ellen DeGeneres is very active when it comes to same-sex marriage rights, and pretty much all the civil rights there is that yet hasn't been achieved. She's constantly trying to make women reach the attention they deserve: "Instead of showing your boobs, show people your brain.”, she stated in 2010.